Strange to know how Adam must've felt when he found out that Eve had more knowledge than him. Must have been a bit disconcerting to cast niave eyes her way and feel that she, even for those moments he hesistated to bite, might know everything better than he did. If I brought you the apple, would you bite it? Would you even know what it represented if I held it aloft in my palm, cupped it to your cheek, would you even part your stubborn lips to recieve it?
I am not sure you could stomach its truths now. I have been trying to feed them to you all this while. I know in the end, like Eve, I'll be blamed for this inserruciton. Probably I should have stayed mute and just let myself alone be cast out of this imaginary Eden, but you have to know, that once I tasted that truth it was worth sharing. It was the only thing then that would keep us together. Even if we were in exile, at least we would have had our heartbeats to keep us company.
But no, you have trouble seeing reason, don't want to do anything but shake off the load of what I'm trying to tell you. If ignorance is bliss, then you'd rather play the fool skipping merrily off the edge, loot in lips; than come to the heriphant's temple and learn of secrets and myth made truth. You think I seek to trap you, to ferry you away all on my own. But that apple taught me, one can never tame a wild thing, the only thing that binds it to another is love.
So I have bled my heart to the last drop at your feet, and still you want to play clever games. Invoking memories so long past, even I have trouble remembering them. Is that supposed to woo me back into complacency in your arms for another night? I can't go back now, I have eaten that fruit and it gave me eyes to see, it gave me courage to speak. Don't you see? This garden is a cage filled with gorgeous snakes and plumed birds sent to distract you my love. It's a mirage that you seem to think is more real than the apple I am tempting you to nibble at. I am trying to set you free one bite at a time.
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