Thursday, September 1, 2011


There is a certain relief in being unfettered now.
There is a kind of upward bouncy of no longer being tied to a sinking stone.
This is life is in many respects more worthwhile now that is it lacking the confines of a relationship left to wither.

A relationship I never intended to turn out this way...
We do not always understand the ways in which we are in charge of our own destiny.
The Fates do their best to test you.

And you and I have been a test I do not frown upon
as a failure-
simply put it was more a collection of mistaken identities.

I believe that there was a reason we were to meet
just as there are obviously an overwhelming amount of very good reasons
we were meant to part as well.

I can only say that I learned what I believe I was meant to
through this journey
and I will take those lessons to heart
as I move into an endless sea of possibility.

And I hope that the lessons I have learned will stick around
so that I don't have to keep repeating them
although I am fairly certain,
I will need to learn new ones
as these are rather firmly entrenched now.

You taught me I could love again
you taught me it could be sweet
and giving and passionate.

But you also taught me about things I don't want.
for myself.
in a partner.
in a lifetime.
in my family.

And so I'm actually not feeling too sorry for myself
being single now.
Everyone seemingly agrees "You're doing really well."
I attribute this to the fact that once this wound heals
I know what I want, and I'll be ready for it when it finds me.

But I'm not in a rush.
I'm enjoying this space now, although some aspects of it are
more challenging than others.
I know better than to go looking.
That's not how you showed up after all anyway.

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