Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Memory Trace

Apr. 9th, 2008 at 11:18 PM

Remember these moments, with the wind blowing through the trees outside your house, scattering the branches in a twilight ballet for my eyes. Recall these moments with you sitting in my car, a pair of wasted pseudo-sixteen year olds, reclined and listening to the mixes we make for each other running my tired car's battery down to death. Recollect these moments with you singing along to songs quietly, painted eyes shut, your curls tangled in your face. Relive these moments with my right foot stomping out phantom kick beats and my fingers twitching out air guitar riffs. Conjure these moments where my aching eyes tear over your face, painfully aware of the heart-murmur inducing smile you sport. Immortalize the sideways glances, half smirks, and fingers pointed sharply to the radio for the lyrics we feel most. Evoke the sight of smoke curling through my car and into the street, trying to mock the beauty of your faux-raven hair. Reminisce about the way your skin looks in this light, the way your fingers sparkle in seven points of light; the same ones you have to slide off one by one to touch me inside. Memorize each thread of every outfit you ever wore each time I picked you up. Review every pissed off glare you shot at my camera's lens, even that, showing how sexy you are through your sass. Look back at the moments my miserably mutilated fingers were graced with the feeling of yours interlaced with mine. Think back to every curl, twist and pull of your cat clawed fingers in my stick straight mop; how each tug pulled on more than my scalp. Relive each kiss, perfected more each time; like your mouth was too disoriented at first by mine to chart its depths. Retain each moment of raw hunger that passed through your eyes, infecting and reflecting my own at the same time. Hark back to the frightening mint swirl in your chocolate and honey tinted eyes. Recall the sensation of picking strands of your hair off my clothing after I had left you at home that night. Remember these moments because in less than an "instant" they will be gone. Remember these moments because they were the moments I started to stumble and fell in love with you.

Music:Come to Me - Bjork

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